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Popular overseas travel

2024-10-30 21:26:42

When it comes to the most popular thing in china in 2015.I’m sure we will think of the outbound tourism. The latest data shows that our Consumption Aboard is 1.2 trillion RMB in 2015, which accounting for 1.77% of GDP. Compared to 2014 increased by 10.8%.This is really an amazing data.(考满分作文网-WWW.SANWEN.COM)So where did Chinese people go? The top four are Japan , South Korea , America and Australia. There are several reasons that these place became popular tourist destination .Firstly, these places are famous for tourism. Secondly they launched a convenient visa.Tourist aboard is so popular these years, which reflects a problem. That is in short supply in China. Chinese people have more money than before and traditional lifestyle changed a lot now. People are willing to improve their guality of life. On the one hand they think the guality of products in foreign countries are better than in china .On the other hand the same product is cheaper in foreign countries, which causes overseas purchasing.

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