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Dreaming of Summer_小学生作文园地

2024-10-30 21:26:42

  I'm dreaming of warm sandy beaches.

  I'm dreaming of days by the pool.

  I'm dreaming of fun in the afternoon sun,

and week after week of no school.

  I'm thinking of swim suits and sprinklers,

  imagining lemonade stands.

  I'm lost in a daydream of squirt guns and ice cream

and plenty of time on my hands.

  I'm picturing baseball and hot dogs,

  Envisioning games at the park,

  and how it stays light until late every night,

and seems like it never gets dark.

  I long to ride skateboards and scooters.

  I want to wear t-shirts and shorts.

  I'd go for a hike, or I'd ride on my bike,

or play lots of summertime sports.

  My revery turns to a yearning

  to draw on the driveway with chalk.

  It's really a bummer to daydream of summer

  while shoveling snow from the walk.

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