There was a sturdy ram with a pair of thick horns upright on its head.
It strutted about proudly and saw a fence built with bamboo and wood in front, which blocked its way. It cast a sidelong glance at the fence, lowered its neck and lunged at the fence, hoping to knock it down. The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns.
公羊骄傲地踱着步,看见前面有一道竹木编成的篱笆挡住了它的去路。公羊斜着眼睛看看,便弯下脖子呼的一声撞上去,想把篱笆撞 倒。结果篱笆纹丝不动,它反把自己的犄角碰伤了。
If it had not injured its horns, the ram would have persisted obstinately in butting against the fence, even against the spokes of a wheel until it bled with a fractured skull.
As a result, with its horns caught in the fence, the ram could neither advance nor retreat but bleat helplessly.
结果呢?公羊的犄角被篱笆夹住,进也不得,退也不得,只能“咩 咩”不停地叫唤。